Seven Things You Might Not Know About Cara Kapler - Lash Line's Beauty and Co-Owner
by Megana Ramaswami
We're rolling out a new series on Tuesday's and we're featuring a new Lash Line Team Member each week!
We want to introduce you to the people who make Lash Line the wonderful place it is.
"The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have"
-Sheryl Sandberg
This quote embodies our Co-Owner Cara Kapler who is Lash Line's Team Feature this week! She is an avid reader, pickleball enthusiast, and number cruncher.
Without further adieu.. get to know the beauty behind the brand a little better!
How Long Have You & Jessi Been in Business Together and how did it start?
We started our work relationship together in 2017 when I started as Lash Line's Brand Ambassador, then Volume Educator. These responsibilities gave us the opportunity of working closely together inside Lash Line. I had a lot of ideas to help improve and grow LL because I was a regular customer of the product and education. I felt that I knew areas that made LL unique, and what areas we could focus on to take the industry by storm. I pitched an idea of Partnership to Jessi and in 2018, after months of negotiations and contracts - we formally started our partnership together later that year! It's been the best journey ever. Since then we've rebranded and found our voice together for LL and leaned into what makes us, US!
Our brand is kind of inspired by our partnership!
Together we've grown into a brand that values being genuine and fun, enjoying a good laugh while being cheeky and transparent.
Tell us something no one knows about you!
I'm a Writer! I make it a practice to write each day, in some form or another.
I'm glad I started this because I've already had some incredible reminders and memories that I would have otherwise forgotten. I want to be able to document the growth in how I view the world, myself, my business, and my goals at certain stages of my life.
You're so good at numbers and budgeting! Have you always been like this? Do you have any tips?
I have not always been the best with numbers or budgeting! I learned how out of necessity! lol
It wasn't until my husband and I were two young punks who knew nothing about money and trying to get a mortgage that I was like "Ohhhhh this money thing is kind of important in life." lol
So imagine my disappointment when Devon and I were denied for our first mortgage. Holy Moly - that lit a FIRE under both of us and was the wake up call we needed.
We started to learn about budgeting and investing and the importance of saving money* and it completely changed everything for us. It taught me self-discipline, accountability and hard work. I genuinely wouldn't have been able to have the opportunity to Co Own Lash Line without that financial discipline.
It's funny how life works..
My view of finances is this: There is not a single phase of my life that won't be affected by money. I am always going to need it, so I need to understand it.
*TIP: If you don't know where to start, check out Dave Ramsey. He teaches about "Baby Steps" and literally lays it out for you, where/how to start. These are really helpful steps for tackling your finances no matter your income level.
How do you balance taking clients/the day to day of running a business + growing your business?
Honestly, It's been a challenge, but I'm learning how to juggle it! Anytime you are pulled in multiple directions at once it will require juggling, organizing and planning. I've become a lot more organized over the years and it's always a daily practice. My entire world is on Google Calendar and I have a running list of tasks to do at all times.
I also made the choice to move my lash studio to my home and it was a huge quality of life booster for me! It made juggling clients and my other tasks so much easier because. everything in my life is all under one roof, there is no commuting or set work hours. This has allowed for a lot more flexibility in my schedule which made the balancing act much easier.
What is your proudest achievement?
Investing into Lash Line has been one of my proudest achievements. I had to work my ass off to save enough money to buy in. I also needed to prove to myself that I deserved this opportunity. No one I knew had ever done that before! It was a challenge that pushed me hard and still teaches me so much about myself daily. That achievement turned me into a true entrepreneur and helped me realize that business is something I'm very passionate about. I'm so proud that I worked hard and achieved my goal, because it turned out to be my dream job!
Favorite season and why?
Summer - because I'm happiest when the sun is shining and I love the heat! Also, all my favourite sports are summer sports! SO WHY do I live in Canada?? No clue.
If you could sit next to someone on a plane for 3 hours who would you want to sit beside and why?
I would say Brenè Brown. I love her insight and sense of humour!
Or Sara Blakey (Founder of Spanx) - I love her values and how she was able to become a self-made billionaire while staying true to herself.
Thanks for joining us! We hope you enjoyed getting to know Cara a little better! We can't wait until next week when we introduce Lash Line's Business BEAST and founder - Jessi Love!
Stay tuned!